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Testing of products, concepts, and packaging, and qualitative approaches

A global approach to understanding the human being

Marketing studies and sensory analysis are invaluable tools and key steps in the life of a product. They provide an examination and evaluation of the organoleptic properties of a product or a concept by appropriate panels.

Techni’Sens assists you in your approach by setting up studies and consumer tests.




And much more…

Test locations

Discover our institutes

Our teams can be reached by phone at 05 46 66 03 57, from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.

Both institutes are open for your in-room tests and product distributions (by appointment only).

Our sites are easily accessible and have free parking.

The Mérignac institute will be accessible by tramway in spring 2023 with the extension of line A.


86 avenue JF Kennedy
33700 Mérignac

La Rochelle

Rue des Trois frères – Building B
17000 La Rochelle